41+2 ZERO signs, need some hope!

This is my third child and I went for a third cervical check today in hopes for a membrane sweep and only to find out there were zero changes from 4 weeks ago and they couldn’t even reach to do the sweep, 1cm not effaced at all and my cervix is HIGH. I am literally doing everything I can possibly do — There is nothing we haven’t tried from sex to supplements to chiropractors and massages to walking and bouncing on a damn ball for godsakes. I am planning a natural birth and I am losing hope that I won’t have to be induced. I feel like one giant walking braxton hicks contraction and I’m so tired of people either asking me if I had the baby already or telling me to relax!

Anyone have no signs of labor at over 41 weeks and have a spontaneous labor? Please share with me ☹️ losing hope…