Help! Sinus infection for 4 weeks


I started with a pain in my left eye 4 weeks ago and it ended up being swollen really bad headache on my left side. Was sent to get bloods everything sent to an eye specialist got checked out. The eye doctor said its nothing to do with my eye it looks like sinusitis so I went home did steam inhalation for a week and it didn't go so I went to the doctors they gave me 5 days worth of antibiotics which did work a bit but then my eye was sore and blood shot so I went back to the doctors and she said the antibiotics will mean the infection will hsve cleared but you could have bacterial eye infection so I was given drops which I've been using but it will be 4 weeks on Monday and my eye has started swelling again and I feel conjested.

What do I do!!! Any advice

I've used antibiotics

Vapor rub

Steam inhalation

Eye drops

Nose spray


Heat compression