11 month old had a seizure

My nephew unfortunately has gotten 3 seizure in the past 5 months 😔🥺

Today I got to witness one for the first time ever, and it was HORRIBLE! It broke me seeing him like that. We have to wait a whole month for him to get and MRI and another EEG. 💔

He’s 11 months and hasn’t reached a lot of his milestones, he doesn’t sit quite right yet, and he doesn’t crawl or try to stand up, he gets a lazy eye on his right eye very frequently. It’s just a lot for his short age 🥺

We don’t know if all this can be connected. But I’m the meantime while we wait I thought I’d come on in here and ask 🙏🏼🥺

Has anyone had their baby have this happen? If you can please share anything that can help my sister I would very much appreciate it 🙏🏼