Light flow?

Hello, I just completed my second round of Letrozole at the beginning of October. I did not test for ovulation as my doctor told me I did not need too with this round and honestly funds were low so I was unable to buy tests. I was expected to get AF on 11/5 but started on 11/3. Now usually my flow is heavy with clots and lasts for roughly 6-7 days. This time I started to cramp on 11/2, had some light bleeding on 11/3 with mostly brown and pink blood. It changed to a deeper red on 11/4 but never really got heavier. Barely used panty liners and I usually go through Super+ tampons quickly. I never got clots and by 11/5 it had basically vanished or only showed up on toilet paper. I was wondering if anyone had this happen before? Could this be implantation or just a very light period? My doctor ordered my 3rd round of Letrozole but I don’t know when to take it as I’m not bleeding as of now. I will call them on Monday when offices open again. I’m just seeing if this is normal in other women who have taken this medication before. Thanks in advance!