Why not get induced? Low amniotic fluid


This is a long post, but basically I’m wondering why most moms are so reluctant to getting induced?? I’ve had some complications that cause me way more stress having baby inside than outside, and I’d way rather have him in the NICU under doctors care than inside my belly if I can’t give him what he needs.

I am exactly 38 weeks today and have had no complications in my pregnancy before 2 weeks ago at my 36 week appointment. We found out baby’s amniotic fluid was critically low with an AFI of 4.8 cm, less than the 2.5 percentile. I got sent to the hospital for a Non Stress Test, and baby was fine: his heart rate was normal, he was moving a lot, and he’s likely in the 30th percentile for weight, so not abnormally small. There have been no signs that my mucus plug is gone or has a hole, so they don’t know why my fluid is low. They sent me home with instructions to drink tons of water and come back to the hospital if baby doesn’t pass a daily kick test or if I seem to lose my mucus plug.

I can’t tell you how sad and stressed this made me. I would rather have been induced right there than “wait” for my baby to potentially stop moving. I feel like the baby is in a very high risk position, and all the responsibility is on my shoulders to make sure he’s still moving and alive. One of the worst complications with low amniotic fluid is that his umbilical cord can get compressed and cut off his oxygen or nutrient intake, and that’s my biggest fear. But baby has been passing his kick test, usually getting 10 kicks in 30 minutes after I’ve eaten a meal.

Last week at 37 weeks, I got another ultrasound, and his fluid index went up to 7.6 cm, which is still in the 5th percentile and considered critically low. Even though it improved, that’s not considered a very good improvement. I was shocked and very upset that they still didn’t induce me. I sobbed for a couple hours worrying that I could be responsible for his death or other permanent damage. My doctor said she would induce me if there was no improvement or if baby seemed to be under stress, like less movement. But she has not put any deadline on inducing me.

I have another ultrasound in a couple days, and I really hope to be induced if his fluid is still low. It seems like my doctor assumes I want to wait it out as long as possible, maybe based on other moms who are reluctant to get induced?? But why? Why wouldn’t someone want to be treated for a high risk problem?? FWIW, I am not opposed to a c-section. Honestly, I’m not that concerned about what my body has to go through in a potentially complicated labor as long as my baby makes it out healthy. I understand he may have to go to the NICU if he’s underdeveloped or has other issues, but I’d way rather him be under doctors care than have his oxygen or nutrients cut off from staying inside my belly, right?