TTC after miscarriage


So my last bleed was a period following a miscarriage a few months ago. Using this app I was due to start my period on 6th. However I'm aware this probably isn't correct. Prior to this I came on when I was due and was very regular give or take a day. However I always ovulated a few days later than the app predicted (I used opk and bbt to know this)

Keeping this in mind I was predicted to ovulate on 23rd so I'm guessing its more like 26th. However knowing my period cycle is it possible I ovulated late and I wouldn't be testing positive yet as my period hasn't made an appearance today.... We dtd every other night from 20.10-29.10 in a hope we'd catch something depending on when I ovulated.

I guess what I'm asking is if I have a possible irregular cycle due to my body getting back into the swing of things, is it still possible I may just test positive in the next few days due to a longer cycle... Or is this unlikely and maybe we'll have better luck next month.