The toddler years are KILLING ME.

i want to be clear that I love my 2 yr old with my WHOLE LIFE. And his dad, my ex HUSBAND, left us while I was pregnant and does not want to be involved.

But oh man, as a single mom in these toddler years… im drained. And thats an understatement

When he has tantrums its just me dealing with it. No one to pass the baton to when Im feeling overwhelmed.

Sometimes during his tantrums he throws his head back and it scares me to death he will hurt himself. He hates getting in his car seat so having to put him in it forcefully some mornings to get to daycare just makes me feel soo terrible.

Having to give him meds wich he hates makes me feel like the bad parent. I hate this. I hate feeling like the bad parent.

Usually when theres 2 parents theres a balance between good cop bad cop lol, but when you’re alone.. your child really only remembers the bad times I think and it just hurts.

As stupid as this sounds I dont feel like my son loves me. Everyone around me would say im an amazing mom etc but I dont feel appreciated as stupid as that sounds lol! I know hes young of course but its just so rough right now.

Hes a sweet boy most days but days like this morning where he just has been acting out and everyone is watching me force him into his carseat makes me lose my mind and im crying so hard at my work parking lot right now. I dont want to go inside. I feel awful today and I hate feeling like a bad parent and the ONLY parent. I want to be the one he goes to for unconditional love. What the heck am I doing wrong?😞