Morning sickness poll! See details below


This is my fourth baby. My first three are all boys. I had slight nausea with the first, none with the second and a tiny bit with my third. This baby (my fourth) is giving me a run for my money. I am puking DAILY. It’s horrible and a complete 180 from what I experienced with my three boys. I never puked with them. People think because of this it must be a girl but I’m wondering for those who have kids, were you more sick because of different genders or because your older? I have a friend with four boys and she said it got worse and worse with each kid so I wonder if it has to do with number of pregnancies and/or age (I’m 34). OR IF THIS COULD BE MY GIRL BUT IM TRYING NOT TO GET MY HOPES UP🥹. Thank you for coming to my Ted talk. 🤙🏼

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