The Hardest Two-Week Wait


My husband and I have been TTC for a little while now, and I’m feeling really hopeful about this cycle. I suffer from PCOS, so I’ve always had wildly irregular cycles and symptoms, however this cycle is different. I track my ovulation and if it’s correct I would have ovulated on October 31, so my husband and I tried to conceive October 30. That being said today I would be about 8DPO and I’m having the most bizarre symptoms? Some of the symptoms I’ve read about such as fatigue, cramping, nausea, but some I’ve never heard of and was hoping for some insight as to whether these might be good signs? First off with the fatigue I am incredibly tired all day long, however when it’s time to go to be I absolutely cannot fall asleep! I’m wide awake! I have been struggling to fall asleep for the past 3-4 days and it’s terrible! I’m also SO itchy! Everywhere! I thought maybe since the weather is cooler my skin might be more dry, but even applying moisturizer doesn’t seem to help. My hair also is extremely greasy, way more than usual. I can usually wash my hair every 2-3 days using the same shampoo and conditioner I’ve used for months, but now I have to wash almost every day because my hair is terribly greasy. Has anyone else had these bizarre symptoms, or am I just crazy? Along with those I’ve also been experiencing pretty bad backaches, especially when I wake up in the morning, mild nausea when I’m hungry or right after I eat, pretty bad cramping with no spotting (I’m still 6 days out from AF,) irritability, bad breakouts everywhere, and cravings/aversions. I only want salty food, anything sweet makes me nauseous. Anyone else have experience with this? So far all my EPT are very negative, but today my OPK was very positive. I’ll test again tomorrow morning, but feeling confused to say the least!