My Second Home Birth


My EDD was Friday, November 4. That evening I started having mild, regular contractions, about every 10 mins apart. I was excited because that’s exactly how my first labor started. We went to bed hoping they’d ramp up and wake me up in the night, but I woke up in the morning and they were gone. The same thing happened Saturday evening, so I prepared myself to wait a bit longer. (I delivered my first at 40+6.)

On Sunday afternoon I started feeling slightly stronger contractions, but they were very irregular, 6-18 minutes apart. So I just went on with my day, but around 5pm they became more noticeable and closer together. We timed them until 6pm and they were about 4-6 minutes apart, so I called our doula and midwife and they both said they’d come over, but agreed that we probably still had a while to wait since I was still talking and carrying on through contractions. My mom took my daughter upstairs to play and then get her ready for bed, so that we would be able to set up the birth pool in the living room.

My birth team arrived around 6:45pm and got the room set up, and I kept bouncing on my birth ball and listening to music and affirmations. By 7pm I was asking for some assistance through contractions, so my doula and husband alternated light touch massage and counter pressure. At 7:30pm my mom came downstairs, and we took one last bump picture before I got in the pool.

I instantly felt relaxed and even worried that being in the pool might slow down my progress. I was so wrong!! At 8pm I sat bolt upright and asked what was going on, was I pushing? Was her head coming down?! It couldn’t possibly be time yet, right?! Why did my hips hurt so bad?!

I got up on my knees and felt the urge to bear down, and with one big push, her head was born. After about three minutes I felt the next contraction, and I pushed her shoulders free. I flipped over and pulled my baby out of the water and up to my chest! We spent the next hour in the pool, where I delivered the placenta, started nursing, and was fed cake and champagne by my husband. It was the most incredible experience and I feel so blessed I was able to have another beautiful birth at home surrounded by the people I love most.

7:30, just before getting in the pool

8:30 A few minutes after she was born, 8lbs 5oz