Did he give me something

The guy i slept with who is also my boyfriend and i had sex a couple weeks ago for the first time but we been together for a couple months now but i recently i been having a smell down there and itching, i can’t mask the smell at all i can smell myself as I’m walking or sitting down and the itching is only on the inside and it’s driving me crazy to a point i had to get my doc to squeeze me in tomorrow every where i go i have squeeze my legs or move around because it’s itching so badly.

I haven’t been having any weird discharge and i thought it was a yeast infection and i been using monistat and nothing I’m still having the itching and smell.

I’ve had bv and yeast infections and severe case of yeast infection and it’s never been like this.

I also had one bump pop up but then another so i have 3 now but they look like ingrown hairs they feel like boils and i do get those a lot but thought i add that