BBT temping- Should I stop


Should I stop temping every single day?

So I am getting less and less motivated to take my BBT everyday. I have been tracking every single day (give or take a few missing temps) since 4/2021. After my MC I was obsessed with it, like if I didn’t get my temp I wouldn’t get pregnant or something. Here it is 1 year and 8 months later and NOTHING has came out of this obsessive temping and tracking. My mornings are feeling a lot less stressful and I’m enjoying it.

I am telling myself to stop overthinking that if I DO STOP temping it will delay me getting pregnant and worrying that if I DO KEEP temping it will also delay me getting pregnant because of the stressing. I’m trying to get into a “stop trying” mind set, since everyone swears by it. I AM still tracking my ovulation with my Clearblue Fertility Monitor and my CM as well as cervix position.

I have thought about just temping after peak to see a rise in temp, maybe once mid cycle, and right before AF just out of curiosity. Should I temp like this 👆🏻or just stop? (Random temping answer)

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