6 weeks and struggling 😔


Hi all, hope you're all well. Just hoping for some advice really. So I'm 6 weeks with baby#6 and I've never felt so ill from a pregnancy. I had a miscarriage back in july and didn't feel this bad. It started just over 2 weeks ago with constipation, bloating and being really gassy to the point I had pain so bad that I couldn't sit or stand from the pain in my back, stomach and chest. I have continued to be gassy and bloated but then had severe diarrhea. About a week ago I started to get the sore boobs and the nausea. Admittedly, I haven't actually been sick ( gagged a few times) but the sick feeling is there all day and all night and it wakes me up. Its worse when I lay down. If I try and eat/drink it's bad and if I don't its bad. I am beyond exhausted, and with trying to work and with having a chaotic home life and all these crazy hormones I was hoping for some tips or advice. I live in the UK.. Thanks for reading my moan 🙂