I’m so frustrated😕


I don’t really know what to do. I don’t want to sit here and play the waiting game to see if my body will decide to ovulate or if I will ever get my period. I went to the obgyn and they tested my FSH and my thyroid and they both came back normal so she told me if I don’t conceive in a year come back and they will refer me to a fertility dr.

For clarification I have been tracking with LH strips and my BBT since cycle day 17 I’m now on 44. I had a peak on CD 25 but my temp never went up after so it was failed. My last period was 4 days of spotting light enough to not need to wear any liner or anything. The cycle before that lasted 57 days. I haven’t been on birth control (mini pill) since January and stopped breastfeeding in March. I don’t understand what is going on with my body:(