Fussy baby / spouse

I’ve been having a hard time lately my baby is teething and haven’t been sleeping great and have been fussing like crazy! My partner works Monday-Friday 8am-5pm. Sometimes more then that.. he works a pretty physically demanding job. Most times by the time he gets home eats / showers he don’t take the baby untill 8:30-9pm at night and at that point the baby is usually sleeping . The baby also will hardly let me put him down.. even when sleeping the moment I put him down he wakes up instantly ( please give me tips!!) I’m physically and mentally exhausted and need a break. I’ve expressed this to him on many many many occasions and he says he’s tired as well which I totally get. I feel like on the weekends is when he should try to help me out a bit more and help me rest a bit more to prepare for the week ahead and to just give me a bit of a break… we’ve talked about this and He did agree. My son woke up last night around 11 pm and was up untill about 1:30am… my partner didn’t offer to take him/ rock him or try to get him back to sleep. He then woke up again at 5 am…My partner did change his diaper but he’s been fussing and crying for the past 2+ hours with me being the one who is feeding him / rocking him / holding him trying to get him to settle down or go back to sleep. I expressed to my partner how tired I am and would love to go back to sleep for a little bit but instead of offering to get up or to help me out even he just went back to sleep instead. I’ve literally slept maybe 4 hours if I’m lucky….

I guess I just feel like everything is on me all the time. I’m constantly the one to do everything.. my partner don’t ever make the move to be like “ hey let me do that for you” I feel like anytime the baby needs to be changed I have to actually tell him to do it. It would of been lovely this morning if he just said I’ll take him for an hour so you could get another hour of sleep.. I’m upset and stressed because I’m just so exhausted and I need help which I don’t feel like I’m getting enough of. The amount of sleep I get every night is usually 4-5 hours.. and my son turns 7 months tomorrow … it’s catching up with me.

I may be rambling but I needed to just vent. Any tips for a fussy/ teething baby or just any advice at all. He also has reflux( which is a whole other issue! 30+ spit ups a day and yes he’s seen the doctor about it countless times 😩) .. I tried giving him Tylenol but he just spits it up 5-10 mins after taking it I can’t get him to keep it down.

One tired /exhausted Mama