AITA for accidentally walking around the house with dog poo on my shoes?

Looking for opinions, sorry it’s long. I (20f) went on a walk today at dusk, but it got darker faster than I expected. There was a path with overgrown trees and dead leaves everywhere, and out of the corner of my eye I thought I might have stepped in dog poo, but I really couldn’t tell. This was at the very start of a 20 min walk so I forgot it happened by the time I got back home.

When I got back home I went upstairs to my room and responded to some messages, but I thought I could smell dog poo. It wasn’t strong but I noticed it after about 10 mins, looked and saw a small patch on one of the heels. I went back downstairs and put the shoes in a plastic bag and then in the porch, as I might be able to salvage them by cleaning. In total I walked in the porch, up and down the stairs, and in my room with the shoes on before I took them off. I have checked these places and there is nothing visible to clean up, so I have not just left tracks everywhere and ignored them. The house doesn’t smell either.

I told my sister (22f) what happened and she got extremely angry with me. She doesn’t wear outside shoes in her bedroom because of the germs, but she will wear her slippers everywhere in the house, including communal areas and her bedroom. She acted as if I intentionally did this to ruin her day, called me mentally ill, and said she hates me. Had I not said anything though, you would literally never know it happened. It was a massive argument with our mom involved, too. Admittedly, it was very hard to take her ranting seriously and my mom and I were laughing at some of the scenarios she was coming up with (“why don’t you just smear poo all over the walls” “we are all going to get a disease”) etc. Somehow it escalated to my sister threatening me, saying this next week she will have me on edge, before she stormed back to her room.

It’s not an ideal scenario, but it was a genuine mistake and I said I was sorry. AITA?