TMI question and excited venting 😁


So my question involves poop ...

Has anyone had poop the color of dark chocolate? Also what are some foods that can help with constipation?

Now my excited venting lol

I've had 6 miscarriages since I was 14 years old. None of them were planned. I grew up in a religious extremist household with zero health education let alone sex ed. I learned everything the hard way. But now I'm 15 weeks pregnant at 24 years old and I couldn't be more excited. I just married the father 2 weeks ago. I can't decide if I want a boy or a girl more. Mainly because I'm just happy my body is finally letting me have a baby. Previous pregnancies never made it past 6 weeks. I keep having vivid dreams of seeing my babies face for the first time and just shaking crying with happiness. The symptoms I'm having and seeing the baby on ultrasound don't feel real. I'm not sure it'll even feel real when I can feel baby kicking in a few weeks.