

So my <a href="">period app</a> says I'm 2 days late for my period and my cycles are quite regular, typically 27-29 days in length, with not much variation. I had a little bit of pink/light red spotting between Thursday and Friday, not even enough for a panty liner and it was only there when I wiped and not even through the whole day. I've been using the mommed test strips and they have all been negative so far. I'm not actively ttc so I wasn't testing for ovulation so I am not even 100% sure I ovulated but I'm just confused. I've been having symptoms like mild nausea, long lasting/repeated headaches, I have IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) and it seems to be flaring up a lot, switching between constipation and diarrhea, random pains in my uterus/pelvis/sides of my hips. All symptoms started within the last week or so. I'm really confused and wondering what is going on. I'm thinking that I'll wait until Saturday and if my period doesn't show then I will buy a different brand of test and try with that.