Help cd58

My cycles are very irregular. Ranging from 29-35 days. Mostly show up on cd 32. I recently (6mo.) ago stopped taking bc and haven’t had any positive results. I haven’t been temping or using any other method to determine ovulation other than cm. I was planning on starting last month when my cycle showed up. Im currently on cd 58, the longest I’ve ever gone. For the past week and a half, I’ve had very wet egg white cm; For the past 5days, it’s had small amounts of dark blood, pink, and dark again. Today it is gummier than before. But still white/clear with dark blood. I’ve taken tests at cd 35, but nothing. And CD 45. And nothing. What the heck is going on? I’m 29. I have one child. No other health complaints or concerns other than irregular flow, which has always been the case.