Concerns- Anxiety


July 19th due date here!

And I have some concerns… I have anxiety, and I’m medicated for it, but I found out the medication I’m prescribed, I’m not supposed to be taking. So I stopped… but my OB doesn’t want to see me until December 6th. So I requested a lab draw in the meantime, to test my HCG levels.

The last two days I’ve had some cramping and spotting, but no heavy bleeding. I also have Crohn’s Disease, and so tonight’s cramps I chalked up to anxiety/ stress flaring up my Crohn’s pains. (Plus my need to use the restroom🥴)

I’m anxious because I have miscarried before, and I’ve never wanted anything more than this baby.

Should I be concerned with cramping and spotting at 5 weeks? What are some solutions to my anxiety?