Leave him?

Y’all can be completely honest. If I’m in the wrong, please tell me.

Later this week, my husband and I had a fight. It’s always the same fight. His mom.

She’s a bad person.

She messaged him things that weren’t appropriate about our kids.

1. I want you to be the only one to feed the kids

2. You need to be sleeping with the kids (she doesn’t want him sleeping with me)

3. Get your son out of that room (the room with me.. it was his nap time) he is going to rot

I stood up to him and he got so emotionally abusive towards me

I told him things are going to change. He is going to have to set boundaries before I let her see the kids.

In the past (only happen once) she grabbed a belt and spanked my son (what my sis in law told me) because he wanted to play. She’s a narcissist, she’s emotionally abusive and controlling— everything my husband is becoming.

She is in town. She told my husband she was picking my son up from school, I told him no.

She hasn’t seen them today. My husband is so mad!

Mind you, the woman never talks to me, but I can see that hate she has on her face because “I took him from her”

I ask my husband all the time why she doesn’t talk with me. But ya know, It’s my fault… 🫡

He is mad at me right now because I wouldn’t let her see them and get out son from school.

He went off on me saying, “you go to church but you don’t live like it. (Weird because he doesn’t live like it) , my reward in heaven is going to be bigger than yours, the kids are going to end up on drugs like your sisters, the only money you’ll ever have is what I give you, you have a cold heart”


All I wanted was boundaries with his mom. He is at his moms house right now comforting her while I cry my eyes out 😭😭. I feel so broken

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