Anyone else’s boyfriend seem to get offended when you bring up using toys in bed?

Does anyone else have this problem? My boyfriend seem to get offended when I mention wanting to use toys in bed. We have been together almost 5 years. We have great sex, he always finishes and I finish about 80% of the time. He can last a while if he tries, but I take a longgg time to finish and he has to keep stopping to keep himself from finishing first and when he stops I stop “getting there”🫠 so it just makes me take even longer and it frustrates me. Sometimes during sex he’ll keep telling me to cum or asking if I’m almost done like he gets tired. It always feels very good but I can’t help it. I can’t finish just from penetration alone I have to have stimulation from the outside at the same time and some positions we do makes it hard for me to reach down there or him so we have to do the same positions very often which gets boring. I’ve asked him if we can get some toys but he automatically gets offended and acts like I’m trying to say he’s not enough for me or he doesn’t make me feel good. It’s absolutely NOT that I tell him he’s great in bed but it’s just me taking forever and feeling like it kills the vibe sometimes and makes me feel like I’m rushing myself to finish. Sometimes I can’t even get in the mood for sex anymore because I know it’s gonna take me forever idk why I’m like this🤦‍♀️ I think toys would make it more enjoyable for me at least but he always shuts it down pretty quickly when I bring it up. Should I keep asking or just forget about it?🥲

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