Opinions on why kids are more sick this year?

So if you don’t have kids in daycare or school then this might not be relevant to you but according to doctors and nurses, this school year starting in around august, has been awful for random viruses circulating keeping kids sick on and off for months. My son is in his first year of school this year and has been sick on and off since September. On top of that he brings it home to his 2 year old brother so he has been sick consistently too, as have I and my husband.

I just got out of the pediatrician yet again with my 2 year old and his doctor told me they are just swamped with kids and random viral infections. The worse of them are RSV and flu. He said honestly he is not seeing Covid anymore in kids.

So I wanted to have a conversation about why y’all think this year has been so awful on kids. I know a lot of people believe it’s because we stopped masking but it definitely wasn’t like this prior to the pandemic so wouldn’t it more so be because we all masked and isolated and our immune systems were basically in a bubble for two years? The latter makes sense to me. What do you think?

A- bc we stopped masking

B- bc we masked at all and now our immune systems aren’t used to every day viruses

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