2nd time moms, can someone relate?

I have a 9 week old baby and 2.5 year old toddler. My toddler has been my whole world since she was born. She goes to daycare because hubby and I both work full time, and after the baby was born, we maintained her routine the same so it would be less changes on her, plus she’s super social and LOVES daycare.

I’ve been struggling with her a lot lately though. She’s been throwing MAJOR tantrums every single day when she’s home and has been incredibly difficult to deal with. I’m on maternity leave and spend all day with the baby, so when the toddler is home, I make it a point to dedicate my time to her. I feel like I’m overcompensating because I don’t want her to be sad that I need to divide my attention, so I really do everything for her but she’s still been so difficult.

I’ve been feeling SOOOO guilty because my baby is such an angel and I love spending every second with him, and when my toddler goes to daycare, I feel relief that I get to have quiet time with my little baby. I feel like such a shitty mom for even saying that. I’m exhausted because the baby still wakes up 2 times every night to eat, toddler is up by 6am daily, so I am not sleeping a ton, and when my daughter throws tantrums, I’ve been losing my patience and yelling at her. Can anyone relate? I feel so shitty because it seems like I am Showing favoritism to the baby and I want to make sure I always love both of them the same 😭