TMI 🚨🚨2 periods, protected sex, messed up cycle??


Hey ladies so I had a period september 30-oct 7 and then randomly got one super early - 2 weeks later (October 21-26) but the second one I didnt have normal period symptoms. No cramps and i usually get HORRIBLE cramps. It was the full blown period tho, clots and all.

I then had protected sex november 5 which was my ovulate day according to <a href="">eve</a> and flo. I do not let my bf finish in me and there was nothing wrong with the condom so the chances im pregnant are very low.

About 2 days after sex, i think my cervix was irritated (roughest and longest sex ive had) because i started bleeding. It was bright bright red and when i peed there were some smaller clots. This lasted for about 3 days (gradually becoming more subtle). I didnt use a tampon or anything in case i got a tear or something but I definitely had enough blood for a panty liner.

Anyway, i basically have no idea what stage of my cycle im in rn so I was wondering if anyone would be able to tell me based on my discharge.

Will my period be late because I had 2 last month? My <a href="">period apps</a> say it should come tmrw but who knows if thats accurate at this point. thanks!!!