Would you be okay with your man living with another woman?



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Posted at
This post needs alot more context lol


Posted at
Well who is the other woman?


Posted at
Another woman like his sister? His aunt? His mom? A friend?


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Briana baby don’t leave us like this. We need more context.


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Family yes 😂


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I've dated men who have had female housemates. If you don't trust your man then you shouldn't be with him


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My husband when we were dating lived with his best friend and his best friend’s fiancé for awhile. They’d all grown up together and it was a duplex sort of situation where he had a separate house essentially but it was connected to their house and they all hung out all the time. It didn’t bother me any. 🤷🏼‍♀️ I mean, he moved in with me into our own place when we got married so 🤷🏼‍♀️


Posted at
His mom? A roommate? Need more context.But my husband, been together 8 years, was living with a platonic female roommate and they had a third roommate too. I never sensed any reason to worry. This was a triple decker house with friends who rented rooms from their friend who owned the place.


Posted at
Eh, my ex did. That’s not the reason we aren’t together though. 😂 When my ex and I got together, he was living with a guy but another friend of his had an open room in her house and offered to let him live there. I was against it at first because I didn’t know their history and he still moved in with her. Once I met her, she turned out to be really cool and had ZERO interest in him. She and I actually became pretty good friends and I’m still friends with her to this day.