Implantation Pain?


Hey lovely ladies ☺️

I know this is probably a little far fetched, but I thought I’d see if anybody has had a similar experience and gone on to get a BFP

I’ve read so many stories & articles about ‘Implantation.’ I know the average day to implant is between 9-12 dpo but many have this earlier and some later.

I’m roughly about 9dpo today if i go off my first positive OPK. About an hour ago I had such weird sharp pains in the central region of my pelvis/uterus - like they actually made me go ‘ooww,’ I don’t even know how to describe it, they were like somebody was sliding something sharp against the underside of my skin - these lasted for about a minute or two only. Not had any bleeding (again, I know only a small percentage get this).

I’m not due my period for another 6 days and I don’t usually get pains until a day or two before and definitely not ones that make me say ‘ooww’🙈.

So my question is (thank you for listening to my babbling), did you feel ‘implantation’ and did you have any sort of pains such as what I’ve described above and gone onto get a BFP?

I am well aware I am probably clutching for straws but I definitely did not make this up in my head and haven’t had this the past 4-5 months TTC.

Thanks so much ☺️ x

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