TTC 14 DPO- am i pregnant


Hey there! I’ve been TTC since my miscarriage last November and during this cycle, I tracked my ovulation with tests and did BD 3 of those fertile days including ovulation day.

On 10 DPO I started spotting like brown/ pink but before that I was cramp big almost like ovulation pain.. maybe 3-4 days after and it never left, it was mild on both sides and also directly in the middle lower region..

so I took another ovulation test and it was like .56.

So fast forward DPO 10-DPO13 i had the brown spotting/ discharge. Then today it’s stopped and it only happened when I would wipe and some would be on my liner but no flow and not red.

Today however now I have light discharge.

Any thoughts or suggestions? I’ve been testing and they are negative :/

I’m supposed to start my period today but I haven’t and I don’t have the period cramps.

More symptoms I’ve been having in the 2ww

Back cramps

Sciatica pain (new pain on the left side) it’s gone now. I’ve already been having sciatica on my right side.

I’ve been an emotional mess

Sweating excessively in my underarms even when I’ve freshly showered and have lots of deodorant.