please help


im literally typing this through tears , still using the restroom. my boobs hurt so bad and have for the last 4 days . im 12 dpo been testing since 10dpo w the faintest lines . im starting to think i was just being delusional because my period just started. right as i wipe after taking another test. im so hurt😭 so so so hurt i dont even want to do this anymore 🙁. my only symptoms were my boobs hurting the way they do & on 10 dpo i had lower back aches , kinda like the ones you get on your cycle but not too prominent and didnt last very long . my mom gave me a hug today and it hurt them really bad & even putting a shirt on hurts. but i digress, im cramping like hell right now could it be implantation? my cycle was predicted to come on tuesday, im normally RIGHT on time. has this happened to anyone and they ended up pregnant still? am i out?