Love my kids but I regret having them.

Having kids was the biggest mistake in my entire life.

My life completely came to a stop. I had no idea all the things I'd have to counter that would keep me from kids being sick, daycare closing.

I had no clue If have zero help. If I knew I'd have abortions instead.

I have no one no village no help. Even using gov assistance I still need help bc I can't work.

Everyone around me berates me and I can't escape it.

It makes me resent myself so much for thinking I could do this.

Thinking I could take this on...

I was wrong. So very wrong.

My days melt together. I just wake up and I'm a slave to Mt kids. I have no friends, no one visits me, it's always dark where I am.

I really feel like throwing in the towel and killing myself.

My hands were tied by having kids.

I wish I could take that decision back.

Kids are not a blessing. Just a massive burden.

@Melanie- i can't I have no car.

@Rachel- No, I love them. I'm just frustrated I couldn't achieve my dreams while having kids and give them a decent life.

@Alia- Thank You.

@Lomghaul truck driver & A- sorry no definitely not foster care, way too many abuse stories. I just have to figure a way to make it out with Mt kids.