Early natural induction

So my doctor marked my conception date based on last period and not ovulation so it's like a 2 week difference to him I'm 34 weeks but based on ovulation I'm 36.. today I lost my muscus plug had a bit of bloody show. I'm going to tell him tomorrow at my growth scan appointment... I just feel really close she measured ahead on her 20 week ultrasound she was 21w 1d....

I fear going in preterm labor... but if baby is ready I don't wanna hold her in.

I feel like my water is going to break any minute my cervix is like constant lighting crotch.

Pelvic pressure

Braxton hicks like crazy if I'm paying attention they can be bad... I never felt contractions with my first till they broke my water.. maybe high pain tolerance 🤔 idk but

what would or did you do if baby measuring full term is it wrong to start labor prepping like walking more, raspberry leaf tea and dates I'm not going to crazy but wanna help labor and my body for after birth.

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