One side produces way more milk


Help. I have one side that pumps so much more milk than the other…

A little history… during the first week my nipples were cracked and bleeding on both sides. One side o could still nurse my LO on because it was healing faster. The other side I had to exclusively pump with a hand held pump and give it to her in a bottle because it hurt too bad. After that side healed I quit pumping for weeks and just let her nurse. I’ve started pumping again so she has milk when I go to work. It doesn’t matter when I pump… right after nursing, middle of the night, etc this one side always pumps so much more! How do I make more milk on the other side? Or is it possible ?

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Posted at
It's all normal!


A • Nov 22, 2022


Posted at
Slacker boob. Totally normal.


Posted at
Normal. My right has been a better producer since day one.


Posted at
Slacker boob is normal.


Posted at
This is normal, it almost looks exactly like mine did. I used to have strong boob and weak boob lol


A • Nov 22, 2022
Thank you I’ll have to try that!


Es • Nov 21, 2022
I never was able to get my weak boob to produce as much as strong boob but eventually I had 6 ounces on 1 side and 3 on the other just from pumping and you can eat foods that will help you produce more milk. Mine was eggs and flakseed.


Posted at
My left one was the powerhouse and would be like 2xs bigger than my's normal. We don't have the same amount of milk ducts in each breast, so one can produce more than the other.If it really bothers you, you can try pumping the one that doesn't produce as much after you're done nursing on that side. It'll signal to your body to produce more.


Posted at
Thank you everyone!