Line Eyes Update #2


Okay, so I’ve taken three vfp tests. I think they’re positives at least.

Saturday 10DPO

Sunday 11DPO

Today, 13DPO

What do we think? Are these positives or indents or am I seeing things? I had a miscarriage last month! This would be my first cycle after it. I’m so scared. I have four angel babies.

14 DPO

BFP on digital!

Update: 15 DPO (24/11/22)

I’m waiting to see if I had a chemical, unfortunately. This CB is a BFP but my Pregmate tests went back to negative even with FMU. I’m just putting all this here to document my journey for myself and anyone it might help. I still have my symptoms of very sore nipples and mild cramping. No bleeding yet.