Had a really shitty mom day today

I went to my parents house today, as I do every Tuesday. My other sisters come too with their kids, so it’s a full house. Usually on the way there, my son sleeps in the car (he’s 2.5) , and I take him out and put him to sleep in a bedroom. WELL, I drove around for 40 mins and he just wasn’t sleeping. So I gave up and just went to my parents. Basically the entire day he was losing his mind - wouldn’t stop crying, screaming, fighting with his cousins. Meanwhile I’m 35 weeks pregnant. It was absolute chaos, I kept trying to put him to sleep, even at 3,4,5pm, I took him to chill out in another room, but he just wasn’t having it. Nothing would settle him. It was such a horrible day, I’m so grateful for him but wow the mental and emotional stress was too much for me.