Af or IB?


So my husband and I had sex the day before, the day of and the day after supposed ovulation. I started what I thought was my period on Saturday, wasn't necessarily red, wasn't pink, I would say between light and medium flow. That continued the following day. Now Monday was a whole different story, it got darker, almost brown at one point, with a few little clots. No cramps but I can't exactly explain, it didn't necessarily hurt but definitely made me want to curl up in a ball. Anyways not long after that on Monday around 8 or 9 pm, it lighted up like a lot almost gone, fast forward to now Wednesday 530 am and I am no longer bleeding of any kind

I am too scared to test, my husband and I have been trying for years. I have been a little under the weather so I assumed it was thee cause of the headaches the past week and I have been coughing a lot so I also assumed that it why I have a metallic taste in my mouth often the past about 5-6 days. I also have not been able to keep all my food down and am very nauseous upon getting up lately. I am very hopeful, but I have gotten my hopes up before 😔 idk if I should wait for any other symptoms or just assume it was af showing her face. (also haven't been able to sleep or fall asleep, is that a symptom?)