Struggling with weaning


So I’am in the UK, my little girl is nearly 9months old, she has CMPA and reflux, and overall just a very sensitive tummy, she has been hard work from the beginning and finally settling and not screaming 24/7 😂 we have been on her milk (prescription) since she was about 4months old and she settled on it great, I was told by my health visitor to wean at 6 months, I waited till she was 7 as I didn’t think she was ready, since then I have been feeding her purée foods, she didn’t take to it well and was constipated and had wind, bloated, I stopped for a few weeks and started again, this time she seemed to do well, o was just given her food in the morning, between her usual feeds, health visitor said I need to stop with purée and do BLW, this didn’t go well, she wasn’t chewing and nearly choked a few times and her tummy was bad again, so i stopped, she went back to a happy baby, I’ve started again, but this time I’ve been buying baby food for 12month plus as it has more texture but can’t choke, she enjoys eating it but her tummy a few hours later is bad, she screams has wind, bloated and just won’t settle, I don’t know what to do, I read food should be fun before 12 months but my health visitor says she should be eating at least 2 meals a day before she turns one and I just can’t see that happening, it’s stressing me out, I hate seeing my girl in pain, and I’ll be completely honest I struggling the first few months with PND when she cried all the time and feel like I’am heading back down the route again, I know banana and oaks she struggles to digest but some days she’s fine then I give her the same food and her tummy it bad, I just don’t know what to do 😢💔 my friends from the baby group are deep into weaning and there babies are doing so well and o feel like a rubbish mum