Bloody show!!

l y s h✌🏻 • Mama x 5 🤍 + 👼🏻👼🏻👼🏻

Woke up to a few contractions and got up to pee and lost my bloody show! Big glob of mucus and red blood. I had the same with my fourth the day I went into labor. I am so thankful that maybe baby is coming soon and what a perfect day to have a baby except now what do I do with all the food I prepped?! 😭😂 Can our prepped turkey survive and be cooked Saturday when we’re maybe home? And how long will my green bean casserole and sweet potatoe casserole last in the fridge? Lol my four kids helped me prep yesterday and I’m a bit sad to possibly not have thanksgiving all together if I truly go into labor. Wah! Pregnant woman emotions I tell ya.