Metformin and my period?

Lindsey • 2 angel babies with Jesus! 👼🏻

I found out in October that I have pcos. The doctor prescribed me metformin. I take 2 2 times a days. So that’s 2,000 mg. Prior to taking metformin I always have my period every 27-30 days and it last for 5-6 days and very heavy flow. October while taking metformin it was my normal period. This month (November) I was supposed to start on the 25th and I started on the 24th BUT it is very light and not even enough to wear a tampon or pad. It’s just there when I wipe. One time there was enough blood to wear a tampon. I haven’t cramped any. Has anyone had this happen to them while taking metformin? It’s like my period is non existent. Is this normal while taking metformin or should this not be happening?