

We’ve had a long month!

We took my son to Disneyland Paris for his birthday, we got back on the Thursday 10th and by the Saturday he had covid 😕 he wasn’t too unwell just a cough so we got off lightly.

2 weeks later he got ill again.. I phoned 111 here in England and they blamed covid and wouldn’t listen to me when I said that he got better from covid he’s definitely got something else. They put me in contact with a pharmacist and wouldn’t let me see a gp. I phoned the pharmacist and when I explained she got us a gp appointment that day. We went and he started to go down hill, while we were sat in there his stomach was going in and he was as struggling to breath so we got sent straight up to the hospital, after some investigations they said he had bronchiolitis. Thankfully he’s ok and doesn’t need any support. I’m just so annoyed people don’t listen, I knew something was wrong. Just irritates me that people still blame covid when I said he wasn’t even this bad when he did have covid.