Insomnia 14 DPO


Sorry for the life story-

It’s currently day 2 of no AF (but early day 2 330am), for about a week (before I suspected preg), I couldn’t sleep, but I was so happy, chatty and energetic (If you know me you know that’s super weird lol). Tummy twinges, backaches, inflamed gums suddenly, one day sore throat, another day sore hips butt and legs, vertigo, HOT MUTHA F****IN FLASHES (omg like please stop it). When I looked up “inflamed gums” early preg popped up and it made me flash through that week, remembering all the weirdness and then I began suspecting. None of those have ever happened during PMS and like clockwork, my PMS symptoms come in the week before AF, and they consist of bloating, depression, fatigue, horrific cramps & breakouts on my chin. AF was due yesterday at 13DPO and on night of 12DPO, I wiped and the smallest palest pink came back, and it was gone for the night. Yesterday I was to begin AF, I’ve never been late, so when I wiped that morning and saw faint light brown spotting, I assumed it was AF (I ALWAYS have heavy clotted brown in the morning or early afternoon, followed by heavy red later that day). Put a tampon in, went to change it, nothing on it. Went to wipe later and small light brown rusty color, then went away. Wiped before bed and same thing but even lighter. Have had twinges, weird cramping and nausea at odd times today, and then a wave of exhaustion and full boobs slightly sore (don’t get this ever during pms- only sensitive nipples rarely).

It’s almost impossible I’m preg due to high high possibility of male infertility (been having unprotected sex since his TC chemo ended in 2020, this is first month being intentional). However, this shit is weird.

Cannot sleep, food tastes sour and makes me nauseous, so I can’t even eat. I’m scared to

Go to sleep and to lose this hope.

Baby dust!!!