Favorite toys for 10m-1 year old!

Shelbi 🤱🤰❤ • Wife, mamma & crazy animal lady!

My daughter is turning 10 months this week and I'm looking for good interactive learning toys for her. She's at the stage where she enjoys her stuffies and teething toys but I can tell she needs more stimulation. I'm going to do some Christmas shopping for her this week and I'm looking for some good toys to help stimulate her brain and have fun! We have some musical toys and baby fidget toys but they frustrate her after about 10 mins, I'm not sure why. She will be 1 in February so I'm looking for things she can enjoy then as well. She is pulling to stand but doesn't walk yet so toys that encourage that might be good. She's also talking a little (says mama, dada, no, hi, and nuh night) so toys or books that encourage talking are great too! She's my first child so I'm not sure what toys are best for Littles at this stage. She loves Tupperware, spoons and measuring cups and "helping" in the kitchen so I was considering a little mini cook set but wasn't sure if that's too advanced for her age?

I appreciate any and all suggestions!!

Pic cause she's cute 😍