Life sucks sometimes


I'm currently struggling to finish my pre nursing courses. I have microbiology and anatomy and physiology 2 left..

Micro I have B.

Anatomy I have D.

My boyfriend supports me but he also says I should wait till the kids are in school to go back if I don't pass Anatomy... mind you I understand he thoughts but I'll have to retake all science courses!! I will have wasted about 10,000$ on school to finish my pre course to retake them..?

Now, my boyfriend works full time pays all the bills but one and wants me to help pay for bills and help with the kids.. but I don't make a lot of money with the Medical license I have. I want to increase my status. No, before you guys say red flag, it's not like that. He is a great guy, he is not abusive in anyway shape or form. I have been in abusive relationship, he is not controlling me. He treats me great he is supportive and has been helping me pay the bills and help with the two kids that we do have so that I can go to school. Nursing school is extremely time consuming and difficult. We want to get married and have another baby which we can't do if I'm in school. I'm stressed out and frustrated..

My point to this post is I need encouragement.. i feel like giving up, I have been a CNA/PCT for 7 years and I want to be an RN/BSN, but how am I supposed to pass nursing if I can't pass Anatomy and physiology 2 how am I going to pass nursing courses... I work my butt off but it feels like no matter how hard I try nothing works... im feeling defeated.