I’m sorry but I need help please


Sadly I had a late termination at 22 weeks pregnancy as my baby was diagnosed with spinal bifida severe and was told my baby wouldn’t make it past a few days old and wouldn’t be fair to continue the pregnancy. This obviously broke my heart and was the worst time of my entire life!!

I had to go into a main hospital on 18/12/2018 and have an injection to stop baby’s heart beating and to end the pregnancy. The same day I had to take the first tablet to stop my hormone.

2 days later 20/12/2018 I was given the second tablet to start labour and deliver my baby that same night.

I’ve recently been contacted to pick up my baby’s ashes after so long :(

I wanted to lay the ashes down but would need help as to which date is the anniversary of our baby :(

18th? Or 20th?

IMs o Herat broken I can’t think straight pls can someone help Tia x