Pregnancy after loss, worried.

looking for opinions/thoughts on Monday Based off of LMP I should be 6w5d due to

pcos I take metformin and do ovulate later/have

long cycles from time to time I called my OB

On Monday to schedule another blood draw and they

had me come in for an ultrasound instead, so far

my HCG levels are

11/14 57

11/16 155

11/23 3,979

11/24 5,923

11/29 14,589

The ultrasound on Monday felt fairly rushed we saw yolk sac and gestational sac, not much was said to us the tech did mention to the other tech in there that

the gestational sac was measuring at 5weeks

and 1 day and that she saw something that she

assumed was baby but hard to see. we didn't get to see much" My doctor called me yesterday and had me do another HCG test which was on 11/29 and It came back at 14,589 the HCG calculator online says my doubling time is 87.66 hours? I I'll go Friday to repeat labs but won't hear from the doctor again until

tomorrow. I I had a miscarriage in April so l am

slightly worried as i also don’t feel my symptoms are as strong as used to be, should I be concerned?