Over weight



Today we had my daughter's 3 year appointment. The doctor told us that she is overweight. We need to watch what she eats because all of her food will go to her stomach. Also said that some people brush it off and think a growth spurt will even it out but that that is not true. She is 37 pounds and 3 ft 1 inch. She is not a small baby and never has been but my frame isn't small either I'm 5'7 and not petite. I just feel very discouraged. I don't want her to be worried about her weight or be over weight. Anyone else have a bigger kiddo?

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Posted at
My kid was 40” and 42 lbs at his 3 yr checkup and doctor said he’s normal 🤷🏼‍♀️ I wouldn’t stress too much.


Be • Jan 11, 2023
Oh and to put that into perspective, that’s over 99th percentile for both height and weight and doctor isn’t worried one bit.


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Picture for reference


Mc • Jan 10, 2023
This looks the same as my toddler who the pediatrician said is a completely healthy weight for how tall she is. I wouldn’t stress and would maybe find a new pediatrician!


Posted at
I would not worry at all momma my little girl is 3 and 3’1 and is 40lbs and her doctor said she is perfect


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Thank you to everyone that has left a comment. This has made me feel better about this situation.


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Dont worry and dont point it out to her. Just make sure she has healthy options and good activity level. Make sure the tv is off and no electronics are at the table while shes eating so she can focus on eating and stopping when full. Other than that dont worry


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I was thinking of making a post asking how three year check ups went. My girl just had hers and was 3 ft and 30 pounds, even on both. She’s that put her in like 75th percentile for bmi but my doctor wasn’t worried, she said for her body type it seems perfectly healthy and she’s been that way since she was a baby (shorter but still weighing more). She’s been following her curves well. She did mention too she could have a growth spurt coming soon but hopefully that wasn’t just to make me feel better after what you said. She’s sooo picky with food now. It’s a tough battle I feel you there.


Posted at
My 3 yr old had his appointment recently and came in at 34lbs and just under 3ft. He's always been chunky (normal baby fat), but well proportioned. I'd say since your daughter is taller, her weight seems appropriate. My pediatrician also said that starting at this age they'll grow up a ton and not put on as much weight (start to get more lanky). I would maybe look into a different pediatrician. Sounds like visits with your current one are just future body issues waiting to happen. Your daughter is adorable btw!


Rebecca • Dec 2, 2022
I'm not a doctor by any means, but if she's followed her growth curve this whole time I wouldn't worry about it.


Jess • Dec 1, 2022
See I kind of felt the same way that maybe that was a little much with what all he said.. but I've never had an issues with him as a Dr. And I know they have a chart they go buy but I didn't know if it was standard for them to tell all parents with bigger (taller and weighing more) that their child is over weight and such. Then as a mom it just makes me worry and over think about everything I'm doing. She's a pretty good eater when it comes to fruits and veggies.


Posted at
I feel like weight is such a hard topic and wish that percentiles weren't so pushed by doctors. I don't think she looks overweight at all, and I think your doctor definitely should have discussed it differently. However, if I remember correctly from our 3 year visit she sounds right around average height but average weight is closer to 31 pounds I believe? Nothing to be concerned about at this point, and I certainly wouldn't be putting her on a diet, but I personally would say it doesn't hurt to know that it is something you might want to be aware of just in case the gap continues to widen too much and it does beome an issue. There are so many different body types out there. Some people are just more muscular or more stocky or more lean than others. If your little one eats relatively healthy food and is active then I really don't think you have anything to worry about. If she just eats junk (which I'm not accusing you of doing, just hypothetical!) then that would be different, but it sounds like you're doing everything right so I wouldn't stress! I have the opposite issue where for a long time my baby was super low on the weight range but high on height and I felt like the pediatrician made me feel awful like I wasn't doing enough for him. We switched pediatricians and I felt so much better because the way it was discussed was so much less accusing and I was told not to worry and that he was perfectly healthy despite not fitting the average because not everyone does, just that they have to make us aware of where he falls on the range. I stopped worrying and he is doing great and I feel so much better. Eventually he has somewhat lessened the gap between height and weight percentiles without us changing much, but he will probably always be a taller, leaner person (which is very much the body type of many of the males on my husband's side of the family).