Baby Head Measurments


So I had my baby on 11/23 so he is 8 days today and had his second check up. He was born and weighed 6 lbs 11 oz 19.25 inches and head circumference was 13.25 in.

Today at his check up he weighed 7lbs exactly , 19.75 inches, and his head was 13.75 inches.

Dr is concerned is head went from 30% percentile to 70 % in just 8 days. Now I’m freaking out and looking up all these horrible things about the brain swelling , not getting rid of water etc. he wants to get rechecked in a week to see if the growth is still continuing at a fast rate.

My first born always measured in the 90% for head and his pediatrician (different one) was never concerned and just told me he’s gonna be a shorter kid with a big head 🤣 but now that this dr is concerned about my second born I’m freaking out.

Has anyone else had a baby whose head was measuring ahead or growing pretty fast? 🥺