Advice.. again ❤️


Well, here I am now 15 dpo according to my app but, according to me I’m 14 dpo from the day I got a positive ovulation test. Surely thought my period would of started in the middle of the night last night like it normally does but, nope. My boobs were sore for a few days which I thought it was just AF going to show but, then they stopped hurting and flow didn’t show and we have a 1 year old and every time he takes a nap during the day here lately I have too like knocked out, drooling knocked out and woke up with a semi headache and just for fun yesterday I did the “ bleach” at home pregnancy test and thought the was going to explode over with fizz which myth says means pregnancy. No rude comments please it was just for fun that I shouldn’t of done cause the smell. Anyways, is 14-15 dpo a good time to test or wait a little longer?