Story time


So the first day of my AF was on November 11th, hubby & I baby danced on the 13th TMI yes while I was on AF. I was feeling weird and not myself so I took a pregnancy test and I saw a faint line(picture below)

Now I’m going crazy at this point because huh it doesn’t make sense my ovulation day was 11/23 and on this day I decided to go to the doctors to get some blood work because I was really loosing my mind. Everything came back negative my HCG levels were below 0.1 ! At this point I’m disappointed because I now have received a false positive.

Okay boom, fast forward to 11/21 we’re hubby and I alsooo baby danced didn’t really think much of it because I was going crazy about being pregnant before ovulating. I now take a pregnancy test & it comes back positive even took a digital and same thing positive. SOOOOO NOW IM REALLY LOOSING MY MIND !!!!!! 🥹🥹 I want to believe it but then I don’t I’m just thinking this is all a bad joke.

(Picture below)

I truly want to believe this but it’s just to much for my brain to handle. What do you ladies think happened here ?