7 month old not drinking as much milk


Hi! My 7 month old was sick last week and has recovered but since then seems to have cut down. He will drink like 2 bottles in the morning and afternoon around 7 ounces but then will go 4-6 hours without wanting to drink then will have like 4 ounces. He’s been having around 20-25 ounces total in a day. Yes he’s started solids around 4 months so I don’t think it has to do with solids. We offer milk first then give solids an hour later and even offer a bottle after solids still to see if he will take it after. Today I didn’t give any solids to see if he will drink more and still! He takes like 4-5 ounces of milm. He’s had only 18 ounces today and I have one more chance when he’s sleeping to hope he will have 7-8 ounces tonight. He is bottle fed, weighs around 22 pounds and is a tall baby and 97th percentile. He just started drinking less for a week after being sick so does anyone have any input? I’m afraid he’s going to start losing weight. He’s not a chubby baby! Is it normal for babies to drink less as they get older? Can it be teething causing decrease in appetite? He doesn’t have any teeth yet.