Maybe herpes?

The day before thanksgiving I had sex and this is not my first time having sex with this person( had sex with em the week before that no symptoms). That same day I also shaved before I went over there. Which I never

didn’t before. About 4-5 days later I got a burning feeling on my right lip and I looked down I had a bump. It only stings when I put pressure on it . I put neosporin on it and it relieves a lot the burning feeling. But I’m worried it might be herpes because it’s lil bumps around it . I don’t have any other symptoms besides the burning. I’m going to the doctor, I just to see what do you think it could be. Chemical burn from magic shaving cream or herpes?


I went to urgent care and the doctor told me that it is folliculitis. They gave me a cream so hopefully it will clear up in a few days. It’s been clearing up and it looks like it’s going down But I’m still going to check in with my original doctor just to be sure .